Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Future Husband Characteristics

Don't not settle, ladies.

Actually, I take that back.

Do not settle whether you are a boy or a girl.

Be on the lookout for Mr. (Or Ms.!) Right, but never chase.  Never force them into a mold that you wish they fitted into.

The person I will marry (in no particular order):
  • will have dreams, confidence, and persistance.
  • will be charismatic and smart.
  • will make me laugh.
  • will see me how I see myself, and help me become the best person I can be.  Likewise, I will be able to help him become the best person he can be.
  • will be gorgeous on the inside and on the outside.
  • will be humble and not self-righteous.
  • will never abuse me emotionally or physically.
  • will be a great dad.
  • will make me feel loved.
  • will travel with me.

Much Love,

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Life is the Journey

“Life is a journey, not a destination.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is the quote I try to live my life by.  I, personally, am constantly waiting for the next big thing to happen.  For instance, when I was twelve, all I wanted was to be thirteen so I could wear make-up.  When I was fifteen, all I wanted to was to be sixteen so I could date.  Once I hit freshman year of high school, I could not wait for junior prom.  Then, I would not wait for graduation.  College.  The end of my first semester...

As I was waiting for these things to happen, I forgot to realize that life is happening RIGHT NOW.  Do not wish away your life.  Live in the moment for the moment is beautiful and fleeting- in its hardships and in its successes.

I have wanted this tattoo since seventh grade.  I spontaneously decided yesterday that I was going to go for it.   I have my pre-tattooed body in the upper right hand corner of the picture above.  Just call it...Transformation Tuesday, I suppose.

The tattoo is actually a mirror image tattoo.  This means that when you look at me, all you will see is gibberish.  When I look into the mirror, however, it will be a constant reminder to live in the moment.

I also want to point out that I wanted to wait until I got abs to get this tattoo.  But, that kind of defeats the purpose of the message, doesn't it?

Life is not a destination.  Don't treat it like one.

Stay Lovely,

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Concentrating on ME

The last couple weeks have been horrible and stressful for me.  I did not get a part in the play.  I washed my paycheck.  I got two flat tires.  I cut it off with a guy I was seeing (but not dating) to commit to another guy that turned around and dumped me seven days later.  Finals hit me.  So, this is what I am going to do:

Concentrate on ME.

Do I even know how to be single?  I am not so sure, but I am going to try!  So, here is a list of things I am going to make myself do before I get into another relationship.  This is going to be a fun adventure.
  1. Keep up with this blog!
  2. Learn how to play Vanessa Carlton's 1000 miles on the piano.
  3. Get my "Life is the journey." tattoo.  Maybe I'll get one with my mom too.
  4. Create a sense of style for myself instead of just wearing "comfy" clothes all the time.
  5. Play with make-up more often.
  6. Read more books.
  7. Run a 5K (preferably a Color Run!).
  8. Workout at least three times a week.
That's all I have for now, but I'd say it is a good start!  I ran today, and tomorrow I plan on running and weight lifting.  Here are some pictures of my body.  I'll post a month from now too.  Hopefully, this keeps me accountable.

This is the start of something good.

Later Lovelies,

Thursday, December 5, 2013

My Lack of a Relationship with "Normalcy"

I've never understood normalcy.  Who in history has made an impact by conforming?  Has anyone ever accomplished their goals without going outside of their comfort zone of mediocrity?

My biggest fear is not living up to the potential I feel inside of me.
(and one cannot live up to his or her potential if afraid to stand out.)

I have lived my life on the edge of fitting in and not wanting to.   And, now that I am in college, I honestly have no desire to be anyone other than who I am.  It makes me certain that this is where I am supposed to be.

So, I have a question for anyone scared of being "abnormal:"
What is more powerful- your fears or your dreams?


If you want to say something, say it.
If you have a dream, chase it.
Forget everything.
Do what you want.
Do what you love.
Do what makes you happy.

...Did I just write a poem?

That's all I have for you.  Short, sweet, and to the point.

Later lovelies,

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Midnight Rant about Instincts

Do you ever feel like words without meaning come out when you speak?  It doesn't happen to me often, but when it does it is the most frustrating thing in the world.  What did I just say?  Why did I say that?  And the worst part about words is that you can't take them back.  Somedays I suffer from the worst foot-in-mouth syndrome you could ever imagine.

However, I am a smart girl- and I have roughly nineteen years of talking experience under my belt.  So maybe my words do make sense, and my audience is hearing exactly what they need to hear.  There is a good possibility that I just need to trust my voice.

Trust my voice. Instincts.

That has been a reoccurring phenomenon in my life as of late.  "Just follow your gut." is what they tell me.  I hate the uncertainty of it, but the people telling me this are right.  It's like when Steve Jobs said, "Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.  They somehow already know what you truly want to become.  Everything else is secondary."

My gut knows where it is going and how to get there.  It's my brain that gets in the way.  In addition to that, the quote by Benjamin Spock comes to mind: "Trust yourself.  You know more than you think you do."  I do know more than I give myself credit for.  I just need to relax, to stop sweating the small stuff.

Well, that's the end of my little midnight rant.  And, since we are being honest here, I am not sure if the coherency of this post even makes sense.

Let's hope the irony of that last statement doesn't go unnoticed.

Much Love,

Monday, November 11, 2013

My Letter to a Serviceperson

I am having some trouble titling this letter.  I want to say “Dear servicemen and women,” but that does not seem right.  It is too formal, too vague.

I want to say “Dear Soldier.”  I mean, that is what you are.  That is what you will always be- a soldier, fighting for our freedom and sacrificing for our safety.  But, ultimately, that does not seem right either.

I think I will chose “Dear Friend” because that is how I want you to read this letter.  Read this letter as if I know you.  I know that seems like an impossible task.  After all, we do not even know what the person on the other side of this letter looks like.  But what is a friend?

friend  (fr-end)
1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
2. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
3. One who supports or sympathizes with a group, cause, or movement.

I do not know you, but I know that I can trust you.  We are allied together in a struggle for I want to help the world too.  I support you wholeheartedly.

So, please. Pretend that we are friends if only for long enough to read this letter.


Dear Friend,

am a cute and quirky college freshman with a wide smile and a thirst for life.  I am from a little town that no one has ever heard of- even if you lived in my state- but I am proud of that little town.  It made me into the person I am today.

I bet you are wondering why I wrote you.  Mostly, it is because I want to say thank you.  Your service has helped keep me, my family, and my friends safe.  You are important to our freedom and, without you, our country would not be able to stand.  You are the epitome of courage and compassion, sacrificing so much and asking for so little in return.

I would be lying if I told you that I do take my freedom for granted.  I wake up and moan at the fact that I have to go to class. I complain about my dorm’s cold showers and my roommate eating my last PopTart.  But, how silly is that?  At least I am able to get an education.  At least I can take a clean shower whenever I want to for as long as I please.  I can go out to the store and buy my weight in PopTarts if I so do desire!  Not everyone in the world has these luxuries.  

I want you to know that even if somedays I cannot see how good I have it, your service is not wasted.  I am using my freedom to pursue a passion of mine.  I am going to school for advertising.  On the surface, that may seem shallow; advertising is the mark of materialism.  But, I assure you that my dreams are much bigger then selling a product.  I know that the universe is too big of a place to be selfish.

I sincerely hope that when this letter finds you, it will find you well.  Stay safe, and thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
Warmest Regards,

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Few College Tips and Tidbits

I have about six weeks of college left before the end of my first semester.  That means that I have a good nine weeks already under my belt already.  These nine weeks have taught me a lot about how college works and how it does not work.  I feel the need to tell you what I have uncovered.  Let's get started, shall we?  I'll bullet my points to make it faster and easier to read.

  • Pack in advance.
    • I literally packed all of my life into my car the day before Move-In Day.  I started at 10pm, ended at 2am, and had to leave for college at 6am.  For those of you that do not want to read between the lines, that means that I had four hours of sleep.  What was I thinking?!
  • While packing in advance, use College Packing List.
    • It's a compiled list of everything you will need in college.  Seriously, it is super helpful.  I wish I had actually used it. I will next year, that is for sure!  In addition to its awesome-ness, it also has a free, downloadable App.  So, there is no excuse for you NOT to use it.
  • Do not forget silverware and bowls/plates.
    • This is on College Packing List, but I want to make sure you do not over look them.  I had to buy them when I got to college.  They will come in handy.  Also, do not forget a can opener.  And dish soap.  And a sponge.
  • Know what your living space is going to look like.
    • I totally underestimated the amount of room my dorm provides.  As it turns out, I have a really big closet.  I had only brought thirty or so shirts at first.  Had I known it was going to be so big, I would have brought a lot more clothes.  And more clothes means less laundry- laundry is expensive.
  • You will have to take out your garbage.
    • I just thought you should know that.  I did not realize this when I got to college; I never thought about it.  For my school, they do have garbage bags at the front desk though.
  • Printers, fridges, futons, and microwaves are your friends.
    • My roommate brought the printer.  I brought the fridge and microwave.  We have no futon.  It is all working out well, but I never knew how much I would miss having a couch- something to kick back on after work.  In addition to that, I underestimated how awesome it is to have a fridge and a microwave.
    • Also, if you don't have the money for a TV, don't sweat it.  I just use my laptop and Netflix.  I can watch new shows like The Vampire Diaries on the CW website. (Or Legend of Korra on Nick.)  If all else fails, make a friend with someone that does have a TV.
  • Know when you are going to eat in your dorm.
    • Going out or eating on campus is nice, but have food in your dorm.  I know that, in the mornings, there is no way I am leaving my room any earlier then I have to so I have breakfast food on hand.  In addition to that, as a waitress, I always get home late.  I have dinner food in my room for when I am hungry after work.
  • Remember where you park.
    • Seriously, you need to write that down or something.  It is so irritating when you wonder around the parking lot for twenty minutes.
  • Trying your best is all that you can ask of yourself.
    • I admit it- I am a nerd.  I want straight A's; I am used to straight A's.  Do not get too down on yourself if you do not rock college right out of the starting gate.  It's all a learning experience.  Try your best and learn from your mistakes.
  • You have a ton of free time in college.
    • I am super involved in college.  I am in Hall Government.  I am a member of the Student Advisory Board for the department of Advertising and Journalism.  I am in theatre.  I have a pretty good social life and a job.  With all of this on my plate, I still find myself with free time.  It is important to say, however, that you need to use this free time wisely.
  • Go to that freaking party!
    • I do NOT party.  I do not even drink.  However, I strongly suggest gathering your friends and going out.  Stick together and watch out for each other, but live it up.  College does not last forever.
I might add some more things to this list down the line- there is a lot to cover and I'm not even done with my first semester yet!  Even so, I hope you found this post informative.

I'll talk to you later.

Much Love,

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Lone Lunch Experiment

Being a college freshman is an unusual experience to say the least.  I am used to being independent.  I mean, I was responsible for getting up and walking to school all by myself when I was in first grade.  Even so, this whole out-on-your-own, away-from-home stuff is kind nerve-wreaking.

I am managing quite well, if I do say so myself.  I am constantly pushing myself to get outside of my comfort zone.  "Try new things." I say to myself.  So yesterday, I did a little experiment.

I sat alone at lunch.

Since getting to college, I am always with others including my roommate, my friends, and my classmates.  And, in the beginning, just meeting those people was a stretch outside my comfort zone. But now, being with people is the norm.  It is also important to keep in mind that in high school, people are surrounded by people 95% of the time.  With that being said, it is easy to assume that sitting alone in a room full of people is just as daunting for me as it is other people.

At first, I was nervous, but the more I thought about it, the sillier my nerves seemed to me.  Who cares if I am sitting by myself?  If I saw someone sitting alone, would I judge them?  Would I even notice the person sitting alone at all?  I started to relax.  The entire time, I tried to be attentive to the things going on around me.  I would not let myself hid in my phone or read a book.  I simply made an effort to enjoy being there, in that moment.

I noticed that a few other people where sitting alone too -five people to be exact.  Two of those five eventually had people join them, one kept her nose in a book, and the other two seemed to be glued to their electronics.  I wonder how they felt.  Do they sit alone often?  I considered going up to them and asking, but decided not to.  It's not really something society would think of as "appropriate" lunch talk to a stranger.

(However, personally, any other day I would go up and introduce myself to these people.  I would ask them if I could sit with them. Although, if I did that, it would kill my experiment.)

Throughout my meal, I smiled at strangers.  That's not out of the norm for me- I smile at everyone, all the time.  This smile was an invitation.  I wanted it to say "I'm totally cool sitting alone, but if you want to join me, that would be cool too."

No one joined me as I ate my lasagna.

That is okay though.  I got over my fear of being alone at lunch.  I need to realize that, now that I am in college, I will not be tied to other people anymore.  In fact, I refuse to be tied to other people.  I want to venture out on my own, create my own path.  There will be times that I will be alone and I will find myself in a situation I have never been in before.  It will be scary; it will be worth it.

I do want to note that four people did come up to me AFTER lunch to talk to me.  Three of those four were people I have only seen around campus.  I suppose that is another metaphor for life- patience is key or good things happen to those who wait.

Eh, you be the judge.

Until Next Time,

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Who Am I?

Welcome to UNrefine Beauty.

I'm sure that you read my last post.  (That is sarcasm.  I'm sure you have NOT read my first post.  I can see my views!  No hard feelings though.)  It was all about WHAT UNrefine Beauty is, but you don't know a thing about me- the person behind the screen.  And maybe I shouldn't tell you.  Maybe I should play "A" in Pretty Little Liars.  Or I should become the titular narrator Kristen Bell was in Gossip Girl.  That mystery might entice you.

Or it won't affect you at all.
(I'm thinking it will be the latter.)

So, really.  Who am I and why should you read what I have to say?

To be completely honest, I am not sure about either of those questions myself.  I could tell you my name.   I could tell you the what little town in the middle of nowhere I came from.  I could even tell you what college I am attending and for what.  And each thing I say would be true.  However, what would be the significance of that?  Why do you even want to know?

For now, just know me as the small town college girl trying to create her place in the world.

To address the next part of that question- why should you read what I have to say- my reply to you would be this:

I have no answer.

I cannot tell you why you should read what I have to say.  But why do you listen to the things you do on an everyday basis?  Entertainment.  Encouragement.  Support.  I will try to make each of these things available.  But, other then that, you have no ligitament reason to read my thoughts.

I have been writing blogs on and off since I was thirteen.  The summer of my sophomore year I made YouTube videos (that are still currently up).  I tried creating my own website in sixth grade.  In other words, I'm fascinated by the idea of someone wanting to hear what I have to say.  In fact, in the back of my mind I want to get known for it- known for doing what I love.  But ask any up and coming blogger and they will tell you that getting known was not why they started blogging.  They purely did it for the enjoyment.  But I can't lie to myself.  I can't lie to the potential people that will read this blog.

I want to be heard.

So whether or not you read this blog, whether or not you care what I have to say, whether or not what I say has ANY meaning at all- I am going to keep blogging.  I am going to keep doing what I love.  Because maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to help someone out there.

And maybe that will make all the difference.

Stay UNrefined.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

UNrefine Beauty.

Life is messy.  Life is hard.  Life is chaotic and unorganized and crazy.
[But that's what makes life so amazing- so beautiful.]

In this blog, I plan on taking you on an adventure.  A messy, amazing journey through all things me.  This includes love, life, fashion, and everything in between.  By showing you the passion within myself, I hope I unleash something wild in you.  A spark of something a little deeper then yourself that takes you to new heights.

"Refine" means to:
"improve or perfect by pruning or polishing"  
"free from what is tawdry or unbecoming"
"treat or prepare so as to put in a usable condition"
"reduce to a fineunmixed, or pure state." 

Unrefine beauty.  Do not “perfect.”  Do not free yourself from what is unbecoming.  This is life in all its tattered, unflattering glory.  

Rejoice in life's imperfections,
for being imperfect is the most beautiful thing in the world.