Monday, August 25, 2014

First Day Back

Today is the first day of classes, and I'm so excited.  I love the busyness of an academic year- the appointments, meetings, and projects.  I even like going to class and listening to lectures.  What I hate, however, is exams.  Those seem to be a large percentage of my grade this semester so I'll have to be cracking down on those books.  You know, get $120 worth of use out of those overpriced pages.

Anyway, I have a lot of responsibilities this semester.  I am a Community Assistant with about 40 girls on my floor.  I snagged two advertising positions with student media, specifically with the newspaper and radio station.  In addition to that, I am an intern with a website called HerAgenda.  There are a lot of people counting on me this semester and I plan on giving it my all.

To make this semester successful I'll have to prioritize and be sure not to procrastinate.  One piece of advice I have for myself is to make sure to say no- not to anyone in particular, but to myself. I want to do it all.  From picking up hours as a waitress to joining dance club, I have to realize that quality is better than quantity this year.  I even wrote an editorial about it.  Check it out!

For my birthday, I want to get a camera to make this blog really shine.  I have a few ideas I want to implement that I think you'll really enjoy.

Also, if I make blogging weekly a priority, I feel like it would be beneficial to advertise.  How cool would that be?  My website out there for the world to see!

Well, that is my two cents.  I look forward to writing a lot more this year.

Until Later,

Saturday, August 2, 2014

We Are Our Own Biggest Critics

A few weeks ago, my friend and I went out and had a mini photo shoot.  It was so much fun, we did it again.  Here are some of my favorites:

BAM!  Look at that bone structure!
And, because it cracks me up every time I see it...

These are pretty pictures, but today I wanted to touch on something a little more serious- societal pressure to be thin/pretty/A CERTAIN WAY.

I want to start this serious conversation by saying this:

You are beautiful just the way you are.
(As soon as I wrote that my brain started singing "Just the Way you Are" by Bruno Mars.)

You have probably heard that before and for good reason- because you don't need to change.  As long as you are healthy, nothing else matters.  Remember that your body is the fortress that keeps you going.  It allows you to do fantastic things like learn french, travel to New Zealand, talk with your best friend, skydive, ect.  So, please, love and respect it.  I want you to go and experience the sweet fruits of life!(:

I have always seen the beauty in other people- doe eyes, big smiles, smooth skin, contagious laughter, kind hearts- and I've tried my hardest to let people see that beauty in themselves.  However, after the photo shoot yesterday, I realized that I don't often see those things in myself when looking at pictures.

Here are some BEAUTIFUL pictures that I actually don't like very much:

I see...large arms, funny back fat, and smeared make-up.

I see...messed up hair and yellow teeth.
I see...weird shaped face.

I see...short body and questionably cute outfit.

I see...weird eyes.
It's horrible, isn't it!?  Why are we so harsh on ourselves?!  It's true what they say- we are our own biggest critics.

After my friend posted 40+ pictures of me on Facebook, I was tempted to go through each one and untag the pictures I thought were unflattering. The worst thing is I usually have such high self-confidence!

It wasn't until I got this uproar of positive feedback that I realized I need to seriously rethink my definition of beauty for myself.  I wish I would have seen it on my own, but I don't think that there is anything wrong with having your friends snap you back into reality sometimes.  So, instead of shredding each picture apart like it's the last round of America's Next Top Model, I vow to see my beauty whenever I see a picture of myself.

Same pictures, different perspective:

I cute, quirky personality and adorable cheeks.

I see...a beautiful smile and kind eyes.
I see...a real 19-year-old woman with a healthy body and glowing skin. 
I see...a really cool picture.  One that I might show Seventeen Magazine if I ever go to model for them. 
I see...BEAUTY.

I'm sending big hugs your way, my friends.  Please, see yourselves the way I see you- DAMN GORGEOUS.
Much Love,