I am having some trouble titling this letter. I want to say “Dear servicemen and women,” but that does not seem right. It is too formal, too vague.
I want to say “Dear Soldier.” I mean, that is what you are. That is what you will always be- a soldier, fighting for our freedom and sacrificing for our safety. But, ultimately, that does not seem right either.
I think I will chose “Dear Friend” because that is how I want you to read this letter. Read this letter as if I know you. I know that seems like an impossible task. After all, we do not even know what the person on the other side of this letter looks like. But what is a friend?
1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
2. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
3. One who supports or sympathizes with a group, cause, or movement.
I do not know you, but I know that I can trust you. We are allied together in a struggle for I want to help the world too. I support you wholeheartedly.
So, please. Pretend that we are friends if only for long enough to read this letter.
I am a cute and quirky college freshman with a wide smile and a thirst for life. I am from a little town that no one has ever heard of- even if you lived in my state- but I am proud of that little town. It made me into the person I am today.
I bet you are wondering why I wrote you. Mostly, it is because I want to say thank you. Your service has helped keep me, my family, and my friends safe. You are important to our freedom and, without you, our country would not be able to stand. You are the epitome of courage and compassion, sacrificing so much and asking for so little in return.
I would be lying if I told you that I do take my freedom for granted. I wake up and moan at the fact that I have to go to class. I complain about my dorm’s cold showers and my roommate eating my last PopTart. But, how silly is that? At least I am able to get an education. At least I can take a clean shower whenever I want to for as long as I please. I can go out to the store and buy my weight in PopTarts if I so do desire! Not everyone in the world has these luxuries.
I want you to know that even if somedays I cannot see how good I have it, your service is not wasted. I am using my freedom to pursue a passion of mine. I am going to school for advertising. On the surface, that may seem shallow; advertising is the mark of materialism. But, I assure you that my dreams are much bigger then selling a product. I know that the universe is too big of a place to be selfish.
I sincerely hope that when this letter finds you, it will find you well. Stay safe, and thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
Warmest Regards,
Shay, you have a beautiful mind and spirit. You are well heard, whether it is here or in person. I am astounded by what you have said, though honestly, not surprised. I knew you were something special from the moment you collided into my life. Keep dreaming because in the end, that is all we really are. See you tomorrow. :)