- Pack in advance.
- I literally packed all of my life into my car the day before Move-In Day. I started at 10pm, ended at 2am, and had to leave for college at 6am. For those of you that do not want to read between the lines, that means that I had four hours of sleep. What was I thinking?!
- While packing in advance, use College Packing List.
- It's a compiled list of everything you will need in college. Seriously, it is super helpful. I wish I had actually used it. I will next year, that is for sure! In addition to its awesome-ness, it also has a free, downloadable App. So, there is no excuse for you NOT to use it.
- Do not forget silverware and bowls/plates.
- This is on College Packing List, but I want to make sure you do not over look them. I had to buy them when I got to college. They will come in handy. Also, do not forget a can opener. And dish soap. And a sponge.
- Know what your living space is going to look like.
- I totally underestimated the amount of room my dorm provides. As it turns out, I have a really big closet. I had only brought thirty or so shirts at first. Had I known it was going to be so big, I would have brought a lot more clothes. And more clothes means less laundry- laundry is expensive.
- You will have to take out your garbage.
- I just thought you should know that. I did not realize this when I got to college; I never thought about it. For my school, they do have garbage bags at the front desk though.
- Printers, fridges, futons, and microwaves are your friends.
- My roommate brought the printer. I brought the fridge and microwave. We have no futon. It is all working out well, but I never knew how much I would miss having a couch- something to kick back on after work. In addition to that, I underestimated how awesome it is to have a fridge and a microwave.
- Also, if you don't have the money for a TV, don't sweat it. I just use my laptop and Netflix. I can watch new shows like The Vampire Diaries on the CW website. (Or Legend of Korra on Nick.) If all else fails, make a friend with someone that does have a TV.
- Know when you are going to eat in your dorm.
- Going out or eating on campus is nice, but have food in your dorm. I know that, in the mornings, there is no way I am leaving my room any earlier then I have to so I have breakfast food on hand. In addition to that, as a waitress, I always get home late. I have dinner food in my room for when I am hungry after work.
- Remember where you park.
- Seriously, you need to write that down or something. It is so irritating when you wonder around the parking lot for twenty minutes.
- Trying your best is all that you can ask of yourself.
- I admit it- I am a nerd. I want straight A's; I am used to straight A's. Do not get too down on yourself if you do not rock college right out of the starting gate. It's all a learning experience. Try your best and learn from your mistakes.
- You have a ton of free time in college.
- I am super involved in college. I am in Hall Government. I am a member of the Student Advisory Board for the department of Advertising and Journalism. I am in theatre. I have a pretty good social life and a job. With all of this on my plate, I still find myself with free time. It is important to say, however, that you need to use this free time wisely.
- Go to that freaking party!
- I do NOT party. I do not even drink. However, I strongly suggest gathering your friends and going out. Stick together and watch out for each other, but live it up. College does not last forever.
I might add some more things to this list down the line- there is a lot to cover and I'm not even done with my first semester yet! Even so, I hope you found this post informative.
I'll talk to you later.
Much Love,
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