My wish list includes:
-A scratch map of the world to document my travels.
-A polaroid camera for my need for instantaneous satisfaction.
-A really nice camera (Or, at least, a step up from my phone camera).
-Workout clothing- preferably with cheesy saying on them.
-Sperry's (To make my toes happy).
-MAC eyeshadow specifically in the shades Satin Taupe, Shroom, All That Glitters, and Mulch. I don't own any, and I am curious to see the difference between MAC make-up and other cosmetics.
-Laura Mercier Silk Creme Foundation. It is the foundation raved about by Elle, Allthatglitters21, on YouTube.
-#Girlboss because this book looks inspiring and fantastic.
-Palmistry and Tarot Cards from because they look fun and useful in college social situations.
-Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove. I think it would actually make me WANT to clean my brushes.
-A luggage scale because when I travel I have an irrational fear of paying overweight fees.
Creating this wish list board was fun, but, you know what? It made me realize that all the things that I really want are things that I so do NOT need. It was a good realization to have.
Wanting things does not make us bad people. However, I think that it is important to remember that things won't make us happy. With that in mind, I created a project for myself. School starts for me in 34 days. That gives me a little more than a month to make a gratitude book.
My Gratitude Book will include things I'm grateful for- as the name suggests. And whenever I'm feeling materialistic, I'll look at the book and remember that I have all I need.
Maybe I'll keep you updated on that project.
Much Love,
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