Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Beast

Inside me awaits a beast.  This beast is fueled by passion and purpose.  It values resiliency, dedication, knowledge, and strength.  Unlike other beasts, it is empathetic and good, much like a domesticated dog.  Unlike the hound, however, the beast has no master.  Only answering to itself, no master could tame the beast.  And who would want to do so?  The beast, while ferocious, wants only to help and move, grow and learn.  The world needs to know this beast.

But what happens when a beast is locked inside a cage?  Well, I believe lights in its eyes go dim.  It becomes anxious, isolated, depressed.  It will never have the same gumption it once did.  Precious time has passed for the beast like the energy it spent banging on the hard iron bars on either side of it.
But even so, when the time is right, the beast still fights.
Much Love,